Friday, October 2, 2015

Group Questions (WEEK 4) - Oct 6 & Oct 8


7:00PM @ Church Lobby
(13266 Byrd Dr Odessa, FL 33556)

7:00PM @ the Taylor’s in Concord Station
(18019 Glastonbury Ln. LOL, FL 34638)


Nothing screams fall more than football! What is your favorite team and why? What football memories do you have from your childhood?

After the first four parts of this series, doing the homework from last week’s group, and maybe diving into the Freeway workbook, what are you learning about yourself?  What are some changes you want to make?

Read John 8:1-11. Who do you identify with more in this story, the crowd who has been sinned against and was having a difficult time forgiving, or the woman caught in the sin who needed grace and mercy?  Explain.

Define forgiveness.  What does it mean to receive forgive-ness from God, others and yourself?

How is forgiveness different from excusing what people have done or just avoiding what people have done?

Have you ever thought about how you could get someone back? Why does it feel so good to do that?

What are some things in your life you need to surrender to God? How does not letting go or not forgiving actually hurt you in the meantime? Explain.

Why is it difficult to forgive ourselves?

Which is more difficult for you: receiving forgiveness from God, from others, or from yourself?

What’s one thing you need to do (if you have not already) because of this message / study?


  • Memorize Luke 6:37.
  • When you pray this week, turn your hands up to heaven. Let this be a simple form of surrender 
  • Write a letter of forgiveness, get it all out, then burn it as a symbolic way to “dropping the rock.” 

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