Monday, September 10, 2018

(9.17 - 9.20) Session 1

Find your people starting 9/17 - 9/20!!! 

Monday Night // 6:30 pm
West Group
Julie w/ the Kelly's
19612 Wyndham Lakes Dr
Odessa, FL 33556

Tuesday Night // 6:30 pm
East Group
The Friedman’s
20439 Lace Cascade Rd
Land O’ Lakes, FL 34637

Thursday Night // 6:30 pm
Central Group
Bob w/ the Michehl’s
3602 Fyfield Ct.
Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638

M.S. & H.S. Group // 6:30 pm
Wednesday Night
Brian & Cheryl
2938 Mingo Dr.
Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638

You are about to take your next step in groups!  So, here is how it works starting September 17 - 20:

  • Watch the teaching video BEFORE group. 
  • Take notes from each video here on your study guide. 
  • Look over the group discussion questions and answer them.
  • Show up for group ready to discuss and learn :-)

The following are a few key thoughts to note as you watch the teaching.
It is possible to have everything look good on the outside but to be unwell, small, and unsuccessful on the inside. True success is not determined or gauged by the outside but rather by the inside. Much—if not most—of life is the result of who we are on the inside.

When God created Adam, he was just a form. He was just a body. It wasn’t until God breathed his own life into him that he became a living soul. Our outside isn’t what makes us alive, our soul is what makes us alive.

Our souls come from the breath of God. We are living on the borrowed breath of God.

When it comes to our souls, we are often nomadic: our souls don’t have a place to belong, a place to rest. They are restless and homeless. But if our physical bodies need a place to call home, how much more do our souls need homes?

God’s breath is the origin of our souls. Therefore, our souls return home when we use our borrowed breath to return praise to God.

Psalm 150:6 tells us that everything with breath—everything with a soul—should praise God.
Gratitude and worship have incredible power to bring health to our souls.

Mary and Martha illustrate two different approaches to God. Martha was worried and troubled  because of what she had to do. She was unwell in her soul. Mary didn’t do anything except listen to the love and acceptance of Jesus. Yet Jesus said she had discovered the one essential thing in life.

Our souls find their homes when they return to the Creator, when they lean into His love, listen to Him, and stay close to Him. That is when we are truly healthy on the inside.


1. How would you define or describe the concept of the soul? What is your soul?

2. How important is it to have a healthy soul? What are some benefits of a healthy soul? What are some negative results of an unhealthy soul?

3. How would you describe the feeling of being home?

4. What does the idea of our souls needing to go home mean to you?

5. What does the origin of the human soul—when God breathed into Adam’s lifeless body and created a living soul—indicate about the soul’s original home?

6. What was the difference between Mary’s approach to Jesus and Martha’s? What do you think the “one thing” was that Mary did?

Once or twice this week, set aside ten minutes to just be with Jesus, like Mary did. It would be helpful to find a quiet place with no distractions (no phone!!!) Then spend time just thinking about who God is, what He has done for you, and how much He loves you. If you want, come prepared next time to share how you felt afterward.

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